
Tarot Deck

The Pearls of Wisdom – Third Edition

Optimistic, Diverse, Inclusive, Uplifting, filled with symbolism. First published in 2007 now in glorious third edition. In Poker and Jumbo sizes, in plain card stock or linen finish, with or without books and boxes.  Shipped internationally.

the deck in action

See the Pearls deck through the years.


"The Only Way Out Is Through." Such are the words with which the author concludes her introduction to this deck. There is great wisdom here, wisdom won at a price, which is perhaps the most valuable kind. Can a deck of cards transform your life? No, no more than can LSD, yoga, Kierkegaard or quantum electrodynamics. But, in the mind of one open to new ideas, willing to look in new directions, and, in all honesty, ready to make the sacrifices that must be made to acquire new wisdom and understanding, any of those things can lead to a completely new way of looking at the world, and at one's own self. That's the kind of deck this is; it isn't reading tea leaves, or changing your inner child's diapers. Behind these pretty pictures is the wisdom of the ancients. Take a look around yourself and ask, what will be left when it is all gone? The answer is that what comes and goes is illusory and transitory, but wisdom and understanding are forever. It is that quality of enduring thought that gives these cards their power.

Client Since 1995

REVIEW I bought the Pearls of Wisdom deck a few weeks ago and am just loving it on so many levels it's unbelievable! I have over a 100 decks and this has turned into a favorite. I carry with me at all times. I've connected with it in a very intensely personal, magical and spiritual way. I've read Tarot 21 years and this is only the second time I've had this kind of reaction to a deck before! I just wanted to thank you for publishing this set and making it possible for me and the world to own and use this magical, stunning tarot! You obviously saw something profoundly special when you found this deck and decided to publish it. It transports me to another realm and my imagination and intuition kick into overdrive. I am very involved with the Aeclectic Pearls of Wisdom study group (I'm a member) and am really enjoying exploring the cards in detail with others.

Client Since 1995


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